We believe in the principle of helping people to help themselves. Our goal is to empower and enable, to educate and motivate, to share strength by positive example and through positive action.

Our Mission​

The Parker Mother and Child foundation was established to help mothers and children worldwide, mothers who are trying to fend for themselves and provide for the needs of their children. The challenge is to get funds directly to where they are needed… where they can make a difference. PMCF was created to fill the gap between regulated government assistance and the actual needs of the recipients. Too often sources of funding from various charitable organizations have been diluted to as little as “mere pennies” on the dollar. Parker Mother Child Foundation works by bypassing ineffective and costly means of funding and by delivering assistance directly to where it is needed.

The Beginning​

When I arrived in Uganda for the first time, 23 years ago, I was captivated by sounds of the birds, the vibrancy of colors and the smells, like the scent of wood smoke on the evening breeze as all of Uganda prepared their evening meals. Beyond those physical senses, however, I was unprepared for the graciousness, by the happiness, and the sense of hope expressed to me by people who lived in such meager conditions that they would be considered primitive by western standards. We believe in providing opportunity and hope to mothers and children, by supporting families, rewarding initiative and encouraging positive actions which will benefit the community.

Founder : Jim Parker

Success Stories.

Parker Mother and Child Foundation







